Get involved
This page should give an overview of how to add content.
How to get Involved
If you find the sea breeze application useful and decide to implement to the model you are using it is very much appreciated if you add your source code to the GitHub porject. Your source code should be added to the following directory structure:
Once the source code is added a documentation about it should be added to the Git Hub pages branch. To do so checkout the github-pages branch:
$: git checkout gh-pages
The docu is generated by corss platform blog-aware static side generator
Jekyll. Since jekyll is written in ruby you should have
installed ruby
on your computer. Some linux distribution, like Ubuntu, also
need ruby-dev
to be installed. Jekyll and the ruby’s application manager bundler
can be installed by:
$: gem install jekyll bundler
You should then update all extensions with
$: bundle install
New content has to be placed in the _portfolio
directory. The documentation
can be written in Markdown or
html. The file name of the document should always start with a 2 digit number followed by a underscore
and the name of the model that is described. For example
NOTE: Jekyll scans each document for meta data about the content, therefore
each file should start a header containing the page title and the link. For example:
title: Some title
permalink: /modelname
A link for the navigation in side bar and header should also be added. The navigation
is defined in _data/navigation.yml
. Simply add a new title, description and url
to the main
and docs
NOTE: The url has to be the same as the permalink given in the header of the document.
Once the source code and the documentation is added you can make a pull request on the Git Hub repository to merge your changes.
If you wish to review the layout of your documentation before submitting a pull request you can run the following command:
$: bundle exec jekyll serve
This will generate the content that can be accessed through your browser on
localhost:4000. If you get an error message complaining about a non-ascii character
change the LC_ALL
settings to a utf8 code set. For example:
$: export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
$: bundle exec jekyll serve