UM Setup

9 minute read

This documentation should explain how to include the sea-breeze diagnosis into the UK Met Office Unified Model (UM).

The easy way

If you want to start with a fresh copy of the source code and the configuration it is recommended to make a copy of the source code and the rose configuration.

Copy the config

To copy a working rose configuration simply type

$: mosrs-auth
$: rosie copy u-an760/trunk

The mosrs-auth command is used to sign in to the met office repository server. The rosie command creates a new copy of the configuration in ~/rose/.

Create a new branch of the source

Create a copy of the branch with the sea-breeze parametrisation:

$: fcm branch-create --branch-of-branch vn10.7_anybranchname fcm:um.x/branches/dev/martinbergemann/vn10.7_SeaBreeze

this will create a copy of the source code in


Now you can checkout the source for the freshly created branch:

$: fcm checkout fcm:um.x/branches/dev/yourusername/revision#_vn10.7_anybranchname vn10.7_anybranchname

You can find the revision number with :

$: cd vn10.7_anybranchname
$: fcm bls

The number after the @ sign is the assigned revision number, in this case 49179. Now navigate to the rose config directory and edit um_sources entry in /app/fcm_make_um/rose-app.conf


The revision number has to be updated any time the source code is changed and the changes have been committed.

The manual way

Adding variables to the stash

The sea breeze parametrisation needs following new variables:

  • 2D array of land area fraction
  • thermal heating contrast between land and ocean (2D array)
  • wind speed (2D array)
  • wind direction (2D array)
  • surface temperature, with halo (2D array)
  • coastal mask, with extended halo (2D array)
  • sub grid sea-breeze strength (2D output array)

All variables except for the output array have to be primary variables. The land area fraction array is needed because the models original land area fraction field is compressed onto land points only. This field is the only one that needs an ancillary file for initialisation. All other fields can be initialised with one. To add the fields copy the content in the top_of_wokring_dir/rose-meta/um-atmos/HEAD/etc/stash/STASHmaster/ directory to ~/roses/roesID/app/um-app/file/.

If the latter directory doesn’t exorcist, create it. Copy the following lines into the STASHmaster_A file in the ~/roses/roesID/app/um/file/ directory:

1|    1 |    0 |  301 |2D array for land area fraction     |
2|    2 |    0 |    1 |    1 |    5 |   -1 |   -1 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
3| 000000000000000000000000000000 | 00000000000000000001 |    3 |
4|    1 |    2 |  -3  -10   -3   -3  -12   21   -3  -99  -99  -99 |
5|    0 |  395 |    0 |  129 |    0 |    0 |    0 | 9999 |   74 |
1|    1 |    0 |  594 |Thermal heating contrast land-ocean |
2|    2 |    0 |    1 |    1 |    5 |   -1 |   -1 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
3| 000000000000000000000000000000 | 00000000000000000001 |    3 |
4|    1 |    2 | -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99 |
5|    0 |   16 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
1|    1 |    0 |  595 |Windspeed at sea-breeze routine call|
2|    2 |    0 |    1 |    1 |    5 |   -1 |   -1 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
3| 000000000000000000000000000000 | 00000000000000000001 |    3 |
4|    1 |    2 | -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99 |
5|    0 |   56 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
1|    1 |    0 |  596 |Wind direction at sb routine call   |
2|    2 |    0 |    1 |    1 |    5 |   -1 |   -1 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
3| 000000000000000000000000000000 | 00000000000000000001 |    3 |
4|    1 |    2 | -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99 |
5|    0 |   56 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
1|    1 |    0 |  597 |Surface temperature with halo       |
2|    2 |    0 |    1 |    1 |    5 |   -1 |   -1 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
3| 000000000000000000000000000000 | 00000000000000000001 |    1 |
4|    1 |    2 | -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99 |
5|    0 |   16 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
1|    1 |    0 |  598 |Coastal mask with extended halo     |
2|    2 |    0 |    1 |    1 |    5 |   -1 |   -1 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
3| 000000000000000000000000000000 | 00000000000000000001 |    2 |
4|    1 |    2 | -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99 |
5|    0 |   16 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
1|    1 |    5 |  594 |Subgrid Sea-Breeze Strength         |
2|    0 |    0 |    1 |    1 |    5 |   -1 |   -1 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
3| 000000000000000000000000000000 | 00000000000001100000 |    3 |
4|    1 |    2 | -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99  -99 |
5|    0 |   16 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |

It is also recommendet to add information about the variables into the STASHmaster-meta.conf.

You now need to edit your UM app to point to this STASHmaster. This is done by setting the STASHMASTER environment variable to the current directory where the FORTRAN executable is being run (the task working directory).


Either manually add this variable to the [env] section of the app using a text editor, or open the app in rose edit, navigate to env → Runtime controls. From the Page drop-down menu select Add → Add latent variable → STASHMASTER The ancillary field for the land-area fraction is readable and located in /short/public/mb6059/UM_ancils/lfrac. The other primary fields can be initialised with 0. For more information on how to use rose visit the official documentation site.

Updating the code

To add new variables new pointers and fields have to be set to the code.

Add new pointers

The first step is to define the new pointers in top_level/control/atm_d1_indices_mod.F90:

INTEGER :: jcoastal        ! Information about coastal points
INTEGER :: jdlfrac         ! Land fraction in grid box (2D field)
INTEGER :: jthc            ! Thermal heating contrast land-ocean
INTEGER :: jwindspeed      ! Wind speed for sea-breeze detection
INTEGER :: jwind_dir       ! Wind direction for sea-breeze detection
INTEGER :: jtsurf          ! Surface temperature

Then add the new fields in control/top_level/atm_fields_real_mod.F90:

REAL, POINTER :: coastal(:,:)          ! coastal mask
REAL, POINTER :: dlfrac(:,:)           ! 2D Land area fraction
REAL, POINTER :: thc(:,:)              ! Thermal heating contrast land-ocean
REAL, POINTER :: tsurf(:,:)            ! surface temperature
REAL, POINTER :: windspeed(:,:)        ! Wind speed for sea-breeze diag
REAL, POINTER :: wind_dir(:,:)         ! Wind direction for sea-breeze diag

Then point the new pointer to the appropriate section the in the D1 data array. This is done in the control/top_level/set_atm_fields.F90 file:

use atm_d1_indices_mod, only: jthc, jtsurf, jwindspeed, jwind_dir,jdlfrac
! Sea breeze diagnostics                                                        
thc(tdims%i_start:tdims%i_end, tdims%j_start:tdims%j_end)                 &         
      => d1(jthc : jthc+field_length(theta_points,no_halo,1) -1)                
tsurf(tdims_s%i_start:tdims_s%i_end, tdims_s%j_start:tdims_s%j_end)     &           
      => d1(jtsurf  : jtsurf +field_length(theta_points,single_halo,1) -1)          
windspeed(tdims%i_start:tdims%i_end, tdims%j_start:tdims%j_end)           &         
      => d1(jwindspeed :jwindspeed+field_length(theta_points,no_halo,1) -1)         
wind_dir(tdims%i_start:tdims%i_end, tdims%j_start:tdims%j_end)           &          
      => d1(jwind_dir : jwind_dir+field_length(theta_points,no_halo,1) -1)          
coastal(tdims_l%i_start:tdims_l%i_end, tdims_l%j_start:tdims_l%j_end)     &         
      => d1(jcoastal  : jcoastal +field_length(theta_points,extended_halo,1) -1)
dlfrac(tdims%i_start:tdims%i_end, tdims%j_start:tdims%j_end)                 &  
      => d1(jdlfrac : jdlfrac+field_length(theta_points,no_halo,1) -1)

Then associate the pointers with the stach items, this is done in control/top_level/set_atm_pointers.F90:

use atm_d1_indices_mod, only: jthc, jtsurf, jwindspeed, jwind_dir,jdlfrac
! Sea breeze detection variables                                                
jdlfrac                          = si(301, Sect_No, im_index)                   
jthc                             = si(594, Sect_No, im_index)                   
jwindspeed                       = si(595, Sect_No, im_index)                   
jwind_dir                        = si(596, Sect_No, im_index)                   
jtsurf                           = si(597, Sect_No, im_index)                   
jcoastal                         = si(598, Sect_No, im_index)

Add the output field

The output field is a diagnostic field, which not preserved across time steps. Diagnostic fields can be added in control/top_level/atmos_physics2_alloc.F90. To add the output field of the sea-breeze detection add the following lines to control/top_level/atmos_physics2_alloc.F90.

real, allocatable :: sb_con(:,:)

Edit atm_step_4A.f90

The creation of the mask that defines coastal areas involves the call of the swap_bounds routine to communicate across processing nodes. swap_bounds should be involved on a high level stage, like in atm_step_4a.f90, which performs the integration of the atmospheric model. First import the subroutine get_edges from the sea_breeze_diag_mod module:

use sea_breeze_diag_mod, only: get_edges

Then add the following code to control/top_level/atm_step_4A.F90.

!$omp  parallel default(none)                                          &    
!$omp& shared( wdims,tsurf, tstar, r_u_p2, r_v_p2_n )                  &    
!$omp& private( i, j)                                                       
!$omp do schedule( static )                                                 
!Copy the tstar to tsurf                                                    
do j = wdims%j_start, wdims%j_end                                           
  do i = wdims%i_start, wdims%i_end                                         
    tsurf(i,j) = tstar(i,j)                                                 
  endd o                                                                    
!$omp enddo                                                                
!$omp end parallel                                                           
! Call swap bounds for the surfce temperature                               

call swap_bounds(tsurf,                                              &          
               tdims_s%i_len - 2*tdims_s%halo_i,                     &          
               tdims_s%j_len - 2*tdims_s%halo_j,1,                   &          
               tdims_s%halo_i, tdims_s%halo_j, fld_type_w,.FALSE.)          
! Call the get_edges routine to get information about the coastline         
call get_edges(coastal,ice_fraction,dlfrac)

Add this code-snippet before the call of atmos_physics2. The call arguments of atmos_physics2 also have to be changed. Add the following lines to the call of atmos_physics2:

! Sea-breeze detection
thc, tsurf, windspeed, wind_dir,coastal

Edit atmos_physics2.f90

You also have to change the argument list in control/top_level/atmos_physics2.F90. Add the following lines to control/top_level/atmos_phycics2.F90 in order to declare the new variables:

use sea_breeze_diag_mod, only : seabreeze_diag
real intent(in)::                                                      &           
    thc(tdims%i_start:tdims%i_end,tdims%j_start:tdims%j_end),          &           
                    ! Thermal heating contrast land-ocean                             
                    ! Surface temperature with halo                                   
    windspeed(tdims%i_start:tdims%i_end,tdims%j_start:tdims%j_end),    &           
                    ! Windspeed at sea-breeze timestep                                
                    ! Wind direction at sea-breeze timestep
real, intent(inout) ::                                                 &       
           coastal (tdims_l%i_start:tdims_l%i_end,                     &       

Then call the sea-breeze parametrization after v_to_p and u_to_p and before the convection scheme (ni_conv_ctl) gets called:

!$omp  parallel default(none)                                 &
!$omp shared(timestep,timestep_number,pdims,tdims,p,u_p,v_p,tdims_s,tdims_l, &
!$omp        tsurf,coastal, windspeed, wind_dir, thc, sb_con, Error_code)
  ! Before calling the diganosis for moist convection call the sea-breeze
  ! diagnosis:
  call seabreeze_diag( timestep, timestep_number, &
                      p( pdims%i_start:pdims%i_end, pdims%j_start:pdims%j_end, &
                         pdims%k_start:pdims%k_end ), &
                      u_p( pdims%i_start:pdims%i_end, pdims%j_start:pdims%j_end, &
                           pdims%k_start:pdims%k_end ),  &
                      v_p( pdims%i_start:pdims%i_end, pdims%j_start:pdims%j_end, &
                           pdims%k_start:pdims%k_end ),  &
                      tsurf(tdims_s%i_start:tdims_s%i_end, &
                            tdims_s%j_start:tdims_s%j_end), &
                      coastal(tdims_l%i_start:tdims_l%i_end, &
                                    tdims_l%j_start:tdims_l%j_end), &
                      windspeed(tdims%i_start:tdims%i_end, &
                                tdims%j_start:tdims%j_end), &
                      wind_dir(tdims%i_start:tdims%i_end, &
                               tdims%j_start:tdims%j_end), &
                      thc(tdims%i_start:tdims%i_end, &
                          tdims%j_start:tdims%j_end), &
                      sb_con(pdims%i_start:pdims%i_end, &
                             pdims%j_start:pdims%j_end), Error_code )
!$omp end parallel

Copy the source file

You should copy the sea_breeze_diag.F90 in the UM/vn10.7 sub-folder on the git-hub repository into any appropriate directory in the UM source code folder structure. The new source code will be picked up automatically by the compiling process.

Before submitting any jobs you have to add and commit the changes by:

$: fcm add sea_breeze_diag.F90
$: fcm commit

This should conclude the adaptation of the UM code to implement the sea-breeze parametrisation into the UM framework.

If you are considering implementing this routine take a look to the about section to learn more on who to contribute and improve this project. You are encouraged to get in touch via Git Hub. Bugs should be reported either on the Git Hub issues pages or by sending an email to the author of this page.